2017 Goals

Published on January 1, 2017

2016 was a fantastic year! I made my goal of writing 25 blog posts, which I'm quite proud of as I had fallen short several years running.

This year I want to expand upon that success, and write a bit more. I write to clarify my thoughts on a given topic, tech or otherwise. In 2017, my goal is to write 52 posts.

In 2017, I'd like to expand my skill set to include React. It feels like the right time to expand my front-end skills. To be specific, my goal is to gain enough fluency with React to be able to plug it into a project without sacrificing time or energy. In other words, I'd love to have React as an asset in my toolbox. I have a simple app idea to use as a learning exercise for React. I'll be writing about my lessons as I begin the process.

Once again, simple and attainable goals. Here's to a fantastic 2017!